Tuesday, August 27, 2013

                                                      Moms and Dads......Relax

This is the time of year when children are going back to school.  A great joy for some and agony for others.  Everybody is nervous about what the new school year will bring.  Teachers thinking about how they will meet the criteria and help the children succeed.  Parents wanting their children to have a successful year and the students hoping to pass all of their classes.  I want to wish everybody a happy and successful new school year and ask the parents to.........relax a little.

If you are stressed out, the kids will feel it and be stressed out.  When you are under duress you cannot perform at your ultimate best.  Try to give the kids balance.  Hard work and some play will help your child have a better attitude when they come back to school.  The education process will not be a boring chore if they have an outlet.  I say this because I cannot believe how many parents keep their kids in school, homework sessions, and then marathon tutoring sessions - back to back.  Their minds need rest and they need to associate with their peers.  This is also a part of the educational process.  Go to the bookstore and let your kids look at some of the books.  Occasionally, a nature drive will do everybody some good.  We want everybody to be able to help with the educational development of the children.  So moms and dads....relax.

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