Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Future, what Future?
1940’s futuristic picture

2000’s futuristic picture
I was always fascinated by the advertising ads from the 1940’s through the 1960’s. They would show what the future would look like.  Technology was being pushed as one manifestation of mankind’s greatness.  We would have it working for us throughout our lives.  The family unit would be strong and we would be happy.  Now fast forward to the 2000’s.  Look at the news and advertising today.  I see fear being pushed.  I was talking to a group of kindergarten students a few years ago.  We were talking about the planetary bodies.  It was a great conversation at first.  Then one student brought up that she heard the sun will explode and we will all die.  I notice a morbidity creeping into the conversations with kids.  I see on television, radio, magazines, books, and of course the Internet talk about a doomed financial future.   Pollution, GMO’s, ramdom acts of violence, the proclamation that an extensive security systems will keep you safe, getting inoculated against the latest diseases or else.  The vanishing middle class is being pushed in our faces at every turn.   People seem to be getting sicker.  We see geopolitical changes in the world that are a threat to mankind’s future.  Killer weather destroying lives and property.  A government for the people by the people being replaced with government for Wall Street by Wall Street.  The list can go on.  I notice everybody is on edge – even the kids.  Where is all of this coming from?  I really don’t know but I will say someone is benefiting from this fright fest.
It’s important to keep focused on certain beliefs.   No matter what you think, God or the Universe is always in control.  We definitely have more power than we think.  Not just the power of voice but our own personal power.  Now a days, we are allowing the ideas of certain people to inhabit our consciousness.  We have to use our time wisely and prevent these illusions from poisoning our minds.  I know this sound simplistic but we all have to take time to go inside ourselves.  Meditation or prayer whatever you want to call it -try it.  I know for sure that the answers we seek are all inside of us.  The bible says we were wonderfully made.  That is very true.    Humanity is resilient, strong, and we all deserve good things.  Act like it and fight for your freedom to be more than just zombies or robots that just move through life expecting heartache, pain, and confusion.   During the Bus Boycott.  The people in those days believed in their destiny to be treated equally.  It took almost three years but they finally got the freedom they fought for.  They beat a system that was designed against them. Let’s teach out kids to fight for their futures.  Not turning it over to a couple of big mouths with a morbid agenda. Spend quality with your family and inculcate valuable life affirming values.  Don’t be fooled by the illusion of lack.  This earth was created to support life – all life. Pictures provided by Google. 

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