Monday, June 11, 2018

The Bullying of David Hogg, Activist 

You know, it’s funny.  We talk about young people feeling entitled, irresponsible, and without manners.  Those who will not leave their parents homes.  Expecting their parents to financially support them.  Well, there are many young people who are doing great things these days.  One such person is David Hogg, gun control activist.  He was thrust into the spotlight on February 14, 2018 when a shooter entered his high school and gunned down students and teachers.  A leader was born on that day.  As far as I understand, he is not against people owning guns.  He just wants the process for owning guns to be more responsible. Making sure that people with a criminal history and a history of mental illness are not able to obtain these weapons.  Ever since he expressed his views, he has been harassed and bullied by – full grown adults.  World leaders who should be glad a young person has an opinion about being safe. 
I think it is great a young person has such an interest in having a voice and speaking his mind about his world.  He is concerned about his future and the future of mankind.  You may not agree with him but you must be impressed by his passion.  Instead, he is being publicly bullied by scared adults.  He has been attacked by the media, politicians and now we hear he was swatted.  Calling the police to his house insisting that there was a problem there. Hoping he would be physically hurt by the lying accusation.  I can’t believe these politicians are afraid of one little young man.  Bullying is bullying no matter how you call it.  Why is he being persecuted because certain people don’t agree with him.  Is this the American way?  We pride ourselves in freedom of speech.  Does that only apply when they agree with the majority?  We should encourage young people to freely express their thoughts and open a dialogue between differing opinions.  Isn’t this what is supposed to make America great?  We should encourage young people to speak out against violence.  Children have the right to speak out about their fears and concerns.  Let’s stop bullying our youth for speaking out because we feel uncomfortable about their message.  This is an opportunity for a positive interchange of thought and an education about another point of view.  STOP BULLYING THE CHILDREN!

Sigrid Channer

Monday, May 28, 2018

Beyond Your Comfort Zone Lies Unexpected Blessings
Charity and love, handshake icons

I was watching the news today and saw an inspiring story.  In Paris, France there was a toddler dangling from a balcony 5 stories high.  His father could not reach him.  All of a sudden, an incredible super hero came to his aid.  This young man’s name is Mamodou Gassama.   The 22 year old scaled the 5 story building as fast as Spiderman.  Mind you, not the stairs but he climbed from balcony to balcony until he reached the child.  He grabbed the toddler and lifted him to the balcony from which he was dangling.  It seemed to happen so fast.  Spectators said it was seconds.
As I watched I thought of a few things.  To be young an agile is a good thing.  Also, this happened in an instant.  This gentleman did not just stand and gawk.  His humanity sprang to action.  He did not think “Can I rescue this child?”  His instinct to protect came to life and he acted accordingly.  The news said he was an undocumented worker from Mali, Africa.  Can you imagine jumping into action knowing that you can be “caught” and returned to the circumstances you left back home?  His humanity superseded that emotional conflict.  In the end, he met with the President of France, President Emmanuel Macron and was offered a job as a firefighter and citizenship.  In life, a split- second decision can determine life or death in an instant.  This tells a lot of ones’ character. 
In life we don’t always have these life changing circumstances befall us but what about the small everyday decisions.  How do we treat the people around us?  Can we help someone who needs our help or just hope someone else will?  Sometimes it is as small as an encouraging word.  Words have weight and can lift a person up or tear him down.  It can be a small act of kindness like sharing a resource to help another person through this day.  Or a random act of kindness.  A couple of weeks ago a man savagely attacked two elderly women on the street. A random stranger knocked the man down and held him for police.  When police came the hero disappeared.  It turns out he was a homeless man who hated to see these innocent citizens attacked.
These are the incidents that remind us of our responsibilities to others.  Also, a reminder of who we are and what we owe each other.   Love, respect, compassion, humility and our humanity brings us together.  These are the qualities that makes us human and show who we are collectively and individually.  Let’s not forget one act of kindness goes a long way.

photo by freedigitalphotos

Sigrid Channer